Event photography for the nonprofit Ojai Foundation in Ojai, CA.
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85 imagesAnnual report photos for Ojai Foundation, October 2014, Ojai, CA.
229 imagesCross-generational spiritual gathering of the ages at The Ojai Foundation, Ojai CA. June 2013.
47 imagesDay of Mindfulness with Deer Park monks ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh, Ojai Foundation, Ojai CA.
167 imagesEvent photos in Ojai CA. Pictures of Ojai Foundation and Ojai Experience sacred land journeys at the Ojai Foundation in Ojai California.
155 imagesOjai youth event and retreat photos at Ojai Foundation.
50 imagesKirtan singer Jai Uttal teaching a gratitude workshop with Daniel Paul and Nubia Teixeira at Ojai Foundation, Ojai CA.
26 imagesSweat Lodge in Ojai, CA. New Years 2010. Paul Perrotta and Elissa Perrota Dec 31, 2010.
64 images